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       2014年12月21日,“CPA-AIA转换项目湖南班”毕业典礼在长沙举行。30位注册会计师行业、企业及高校的毕业学员参加了本次毕业典礼仪式。湖南省注册会计师协会副会长兼秘书长王顺虎、AIA北京办事处荣誉主席Mr Kenneth Lee、湖南省注册会计师协会副秘书长李毅、AIA北京办事处首席行政官Mr Wilson Shou、AIA北京办事处首席运营代表杨明、AIA湖南中心首席行政官刘丁杰出席毕业典礼。







On 21 December 2014, the AIA Beijing Desk and Hunan ICPA hosted a Convocation in Changsha for graduates from the CPA-AIA Conversion Programme. Thirty graduates from participated in the ceremony, which was presided over by Wang Shunhu, Vice President and General Secretary of Hunan Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HICPA), Kenneth Lee, Honorary Chairman of the AIA Beijing Desk, and Li Yi, Vice General Secretary of HICPA. Wilson Shou, CEO of AIA Beijing Desk and Yang Ming, COO of AIA Beijing Desk attended the ceremony as guests.

Mr Wang congratulated the graduated students, urging them to strengthen their comprehensive abilities, increase their executive abilities, broaden their international vision and improve their international business skills so as to better serve Hunan province’s open economic development, and "join into the international capital market better and faster and expand the career development space." Mr Wang also highlighted that the CPA-AIA Conversion Programme has achieved incredible accomplishments in Hunan: "It provided a good platform for our provincial accountant talents to search for a better development and laid a solid foundation for the international construction of our provincial CPA professions." He urged the students who had not yet graduated to study industriously and to continue to endeavourto achieve the AIA qualification. Mr Wang also hoped that increasing numbers of CPAs in Hunan province will become International Accountants.]

HICPA are committed to ensuring the CPA-AIA Conversion Programme succeeds in Hunan and have launched a number of policies and incentives to encourage their CPAs to achieve the AIA international qualification. Among the graduates at the ceremony, nine passed their exams at their first attempt and were rewarded by HICPA with RMB1,000 for their hard work and commitment.







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